
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

My eighteen proven medical and spiritual tips Wonderful spiritual tip ! I for God that ever I was ill. Wonder of Darood – e- Taj ! Get rid of dental affections

Ubqari Magazine - September 2019

My eighteen proven medical and spiritual tips

Wonderful spiritual tip ! I for God that ever I was ill.

Wonder of Darood – e- Taj ! Get rid of dental affections

For loves in husband wife

In digestion gastric and get rid of fatness

Sharp memory and terrific eye side

Readers!  Be open hearted if you have ever tried or tested any spiritual or medical tips in your life of view have observe some amazing events in your life so ubqari pages are here for you don’t consider your experiment a trial they can be the glue of  others problems and then became charity for you. You must write

Wonderful spiritual tip! I for God that ever I was ill: end of ablution I

Respected hazrat Hakeem Sahab Assalamo Alikum! All of my family members are very fond of ubqari magazines and gift it to others. All the wazaif and tips publish in it are very useful. We have gotten the solution of our problem from it. I am here to describe one of my observation ones due to eating sweets my stomach was upset and felt burning in chest. Actually I m a patient of hepatitis C and this disease is a cause that I am enable to digest many things. I was not feeling well and it was the time of Zohr prayer I got up and did ablution and after the ablution I took 3 droop with the thinking that my stomach should work properly and then I offered the prayer. After the prayer I was astonished that I was quite right and feeling OK. There was no gastric in stomach and no burning in chest. Then I thought how quickly I recovered it’s the result of the blessing of 3 drops of water which I ablution. I thank to Allah without taking any medicine He made me feeling healthy.

My eighteen proven medical and spiritual tips:

Respected Hazrat G Assalamo Alikuym! I have attained too much in my life from much ubqari magazines and from spiritual lecture. Whatever I have tested and taken from ubqari magazines I want to share with readers. So that they may be benefited. It’s my request to all the readers always remember me and sheikh – ul- Wazaif paper.

  1. 1.      Where ever I go with the attention I achieved my target.

On each Friday! I used to go to masjid and do cleanliness of washroom and place of ablution with my own hand. While doing this work I pray to Allah for whole Umaah and for my purpose also. Alhumdulillah allah always bless me. This is all I got just because of Hazrat G.

  1. 2.      For Family cause or if you lose something:

If you lose something or there are some family cause if some family members is lost for all these issue                     read this excessively inshAllah all the problems will be solve.

  1. 3.      The leg is saved from is from going to be cut:

One of my friends mother, had a pain on her leg was unable to move the entire doctor suggested it will be cutter down. When he came to me I advised him to complete 1lakh 25hundred times “ حم لا ینصرون

They read it excessively and by the grace of Allah his mother is healthy now and leg is quite save and she can move easily now. 

  1. 4.      Safety everywhere: 

Alhumdulillah whenever we get out of home we read this prayer three times.

بسم اللہ توکلت علی اللہ و لا حول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ

Along with this prayer before starting a travel we do the process of 6 bismillah and read Darood Pak Before and after and I always safe from accident. 

  1. 5.      Have no face any accident so far:

I have written these 3 words on my motor biker “ یا حفیظ کھف قطمیر “ 

Thanks to Allah so far I have no faced any accident. 

  1. 6.      There will be no stink of sweetening:

To remove the stink of sweetening rub pathkari on your body especially in you’re under your arms after taking bath. It’s very effective. 

  1. 7.      For allergy of eyes :

If someone is facing of allergy in eyes then put some patkari in some water and mix them well then wash your eyes with some water there will be no eyes allergy .its proven. 

  1. 8.      For tired of body and for quench of thirst:

In Ramadan whenever I took bath I used to apply some oil on my body on eye lashes in nose, under navel, did foot reflexology.

This process remove tiredness in my body felt no thirst. 

  1. 9.      Test this tip  on a burnt part of your body:

If some part of your body is burn or you got any injury then take some dry piles of mango and burn and makes ash of it. Mix this ash in oil and apply on affected place. InshAllah injury will be recovered.

  1. 10.  Very affective tip for cough and taught infection:

Take in equal quantity methhe and green alaichi and grinned them well. Use half spoon with milk of daily. Its very affect fot it. It’s also good for male and female problem.

Men who have had a shortage of germs by using this prescription there germs become so fast. now they are blessed with the children. this prescription is also very affected in visible diseases of women. Along with this its very affective in joints and stomach diseases. Shykh –ul- wazaif told his recipe in his lecture and magazines also. I used it on myself and told to the people.

11. for sharp eyes side and memory:  take almonds and peal of them then mix with honey and grinned it well. Use this mixture half spoon daily in the evening and morning.

12. Eliminate heat rash and itching:  if bath is taken with the laundry soap or detergent itching and heat rash are eliminated in the body.

13. In digestive stomach, gastric and obesity: take fennel in equal quantity after each meal take half spoon of it and chew it well. It’s very affective in stomach upset and obesity.

14. Eyes injured with the goats horns: once my mother in law was feeding the goats, the goat suddenly raised her head so the goat horn caught sight of my mother in law . the eye wound up in side and the blood came out of the eye. My mother in law is also the patient of sugar but she continuously used honey drops in her eyes. And after some time thanks to Allah the eyes was quite find.

15. Relation with tasbih khana:  I got such a purls from tasbih khana that are not found in the king. Tasbih khana is place where a man becomes a human in a very short time. May Allah keeps us connected with the glorious tasbih khana.  I recived tasbihat from the tasboh khana and got coonection with Allah. who received the Allah he got everything.

16.  Rice millet and water perfection: I used to put rice millet and water on the roof top daily for my birds. I give cherity with the attention of your generation and my generation and for all the creations and say to birds for prayers.

17. Managed the food of fish and my task achieved:  at home I collect all the left pieces of loaf and make a ahopper of it. When it is filled I read on all this pieces “ اللہ الصمد “ then take them to the canal and through in the canal for the fishes. And do request for the fishes for you and your generation. A lot of my task was achieved through this process.

18. Blessing of  Moti Masjid and tasbih khana: with the blessings of tasbih khana I visited Lahore, first of all I go to Moti masjid and perform nawafil there and go to tasbih khana.  Whatever is in theheart, I present it to Allah . and Allah always blessed me. And I am very thankful to Allah for this blessings. The medical and spiritual experiences that were remembered at this time are written down here. May Allah accepted.

The perfection of Darood Taj and Aital Kursi:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahhab ! Aoa , me and my sister are very fond of Ubqari Magazines. I read all the wazaif published in it zeneiouosly .  hazrat G ,I am using “ Ubqari Socha Manjan “ for the last 4years my tooth worm is completely gone. If anyone in the house has a toothache, I put a pinch of soocha manjan on a place for a while and that path goes away.  

Once I got a worm in my teeth and almost the whole tooth was affected by taking allopathic medicine my stomach got upset and lungs were also affected I was too much worried. Then I did wazifa of aital Kursi and Darood taj which was mentioned in the Ubqari. Then all the pain was relief. Now back teeth are coming very straight.  My sister last teeth was headed to the jaws. There was a lot of pain and swelling in it. Doctor decided to take it out but before that the infection should be intimidated. By taking medicines I have loosed motion. After some time it became difficult for me to eat anything and the infection was increased. When I did the process of aital Kursi and Darood Taj. Now the back teeth are coming out very straight. Indeed the words of Allah have great impact. Hzrt ge I got dandruff on my body I started applying oil on my foot sole and Vaseline in naval. All the dryness is gone and sleep is great now.IN the morning, its very refreshing and likewise, in the morning while doing mangan I put finger in the throat and I m saved from throat infection.My father is the patient of uric Acid and don’t have sound sleep but by reciting last aiyat of surah mominoon and doing the wazifa of azan he always feel relaxed. May Allah bless you with long life.

I have a wonderful gift for spouses to love and to create love at home. Which I am writing specially for readers because many families are failing.

Hazrat G , once I got dandruff on my body, I started applying oil on the sours of my feet and some oil in my navel. All the dryness is gone and sleep is sound too. In the morning, it is refreshing and likewise, in the morning, I put a finger in teeth. While doing manjan and my throw is save from infection. My father is eighty years old and he is a patient of urinated due to which  he lost his sleep. I read last two ayat of surah Mominoon and do the wazifa of azan. Thanks to Allah with the blessing of these wazaif he always recovered and have a peaceful sleep . may Allah bless in your life.

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